ロシアが2月20日から、就労、修学、観光等を目的とした中国人の入国を禁止する方針を決めた。Fortune Insight が、
滴水穿石,改變始於一念之間。訂閱FI Prime獨家內容:
【俄羅斯真。封關】俄羅斯昨日 (18 日) 宣布,由2月20 日起禁止中國人入境。俄羅斯此前已關閉與中國接壤的邊境,並實施旅行限制,暫停部分飛往中國的航班,今次為針對武漢肺炎病毒疫情的措施升級,並成為首個因武漢肺炎全面禁止所有中國公民入境的國家。
(Fortune Insight fb)
Russia Bans Chinese Citizens
Moscow, Russia: Russia on Tuesday said it would ban all Chinese citizens from entering its territory from February 20, in a drastic measure against the spread of the new coronavirus, local news agencies said.
“The entry of all Chinese citizens via Russia’s state frontiers will be suspended from February 20 for work travel, private travel, study and tourism,” said Deputy Prime Minister in charge of health, Tatiana Golikova, according to agencies.